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Canyon Clash

Canyon Clash Overview


Canyon Clash is a weekly alliance event only available after the Capital Clash event. Two Alliances are pitted against each other in an arena similar to a MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). Accumulate points by capturing Key Buildings, Destroying Enemy Vehicles and Taking Home the Energy Cell in the Middle of the Map. Battle will last about an hour with a 10-minute preparation time and 40 minutes combat. The team with the most accumulated battlefield points by then wins.


Canyon Clash

Start the Canyon Clash by selecting your preferred schedule. You may want to choose the time were most of your Alliance Members that will be participating are online. Compare the Server Time with your own Time Format by going to Settings Page or Clicking the Notice Board beside your HQ. (Note: The first instance of Canyon Clash event will be set on default).


Canyon Clash Participants

You get to choose 20 Starters and 30 Substitutes. Since only 20 players would be playing on the Map. You should opt out for the 20 players that can really commit to playing a (1) Hour Match that is regardless of power. Forget about using Power Sorting or Rank Sorting. The 30 Substitutes should be the players that could play but aren’t sure if something comes up on the given time frame. More info as to why, will be explained below.


You opponent will be chosen according to the total Power of your chosen 50 members. In this instance we are matched with WPG a server 11 alliance while our alliance is server 13. The Total Power Points we had was 838 million while the opponent was around 798 million which is pretty close. So, while the idea of choosing the 50 strongest members as Starters/Substitutes is advantageous, keep in mind you will also be matched with an Alliance that have the same Total Power Points. (Pro Tip: Ensure you have the 20 Strongest as Starters make sure they will really play and fill the 30 Substitutes with Low Power members. Thus, avoiding any Strong Alliances that will completely demolish you.)


Military Base

  • (Capture Points 300/m)
  • (DMG Dealt increased +30.0%)
  • (DMG Taken decreased +5.0%)

Available for Capture after 10 mins. into the game. There are two available in the map the first is located near your territory far right and the other one is located near enemy territory far left. Must prioritize capture for better fighting capability. If possible, taking two Military Base will greatly improve your fighting capability hence greatly reducing the opponent’s fighting capability.

Water Refinery

  • (Capture Points 50/m)

A good point accumulator for your 2nd troops. Can be left ungarrisoned without affecting its ownership. (Note: While it can be left ungarrisoned it is also can be taken instantly once a vehicle attacks it)


  • (Capture Points 10/min 600/600 capacity)

Don’t bother occupying this unless your 20 Starters 2nd and 3rd troops have nowhere to go and are standing by.

Field Hospital

  • (Capture Points 50/m)
  • (Boost battlefield healing speed +50.0%)
  • (Reduce battlefield healing costs +5.0%)

An important building to capture to prolong your battlefield availability by providing bonus on your healing time. There are two Field Hospitals on the Map one is right next to your team’s territory vice versa. Same as Military Base occupying (2) Field Hospital will greatly improve your fighting capability and diminished your opponent’s. (Note: Heal in increments by scrolling the slider bar on the hospital menu, preferably you want at least an hour or so depending on the amount of alliance members online that can press the alliance help button.)

Energy Station

Send troops to snatch Energy Cells and bring them to the Alliance Beacon for massive battlefield points.

The most important building in the event that gives you massive number of points. This building will spawn Two Energy Cells on the entirety of the game, so it is important to take note of the spawn time of these Energy Cells. Just parked your vehicle near and press the Obtain Button. The first Energy Cell will spawn after 15 mins. of gametime, or 25 minutes left on the game clock. The second Energy Cell then will be available after 10 mins. or 15 minutes left on the game clock. (Note: It is important to surround the Energy Station with your strongest troops 3-2 mins. left before the spawning of Energy Cell to ensure capture and protection to the one carrying the Energy Cell as their march speed will be reduced to 50%)

Tips & Tricks:

Send your strongest members strongest troops to the enemy lines to capture their key buildings like Military Center this will also delay their occupation of Points producing buildings. Your second and third line of troops should be occupying the key buildings like Quarries and Water Refinery near you

Full Gameplay Link Below:

No audio was available due to the technical difficulties I’ve had during recording. But i hope you get the gist of how the event gameplay works.


Shortened video on Canyon Clash by Mikey:

Canyon Clash
